Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday, cloudy Sunday

I know I am not in East Texas when I can sit on a patio this August 2nd with splashing fountains, scampering squirrels (very brave ones, at that), and twittering birds nearby, checking my e-mail... and have to wear a sweater at 10 a.m. I do look forward to exploring Berkeley today (chocolate!), realizing that the trek back to Clark Kerr Campus will undoubtedly be uphill all the way!

After this wonderful week of IASL, might I be back in oven-hot places, perhaps surrounded by squirrelly dealings, gossip birds, and recirculating pools of words that might or might not be relevant information? Nah, of course not... but everything will be uphill all the way, as it always is this time of year.

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